Το #BoycottCyprus και το #Αvoidcyprus είναι, αυτή τη στιγμή, η εικόνα της Κύπρου στο εξωτερικό
Χρήστες από την Ευρώπη -και κυρίως από την Βρετανία- ασκούν δριμεία κριτική στην Κύπρο, ενώ καλούν σε μποϊκοτάρισμα όχι μόνο της Κύπρου ως τουριστικού προϊόντος, αλλά και στην αγορά κυπριακών προϊόντων που εξάγονται στο εξωτερικό.
Έπειτα από μία πολύμηνη διαδικασία με ανατροπές, το Επαρχιακό Δικαστήριο Αμμοχώστου έκρινε ένοχη την 19χρονη Βρετανίδα για ψευδείς δηλώσεις και πρόκληση δημόσιας βλάβης.
Μία απόφαση που προκάλεσε ποικίλες αντιδράσεις τόσο αρνητικές όσο και θετικές, με την ποινή να ανακοινώνεται την Τρίτη, 7 Ιανουαρίου. Μετά την απόφαση του δικαστηρίου Γενικός Εισαγγελέας και Κυβερνητικό Εκπρόσωπος, ξεκαθάρισαν δημόσια πως δεν πρόκειται να αναμειχθούν στα όσα αποφάσισε το δικαστήριο, ούτε και να εμπλακούν στη όλη υπόθεση.
Στην αντίπερα όχθη η δικηγόρος της 19χρονης Βρετανίδας, Νικολέτα Χαραλαμπίδου, δήλωσε ότι θα ασκήσει έφεση ενώ δεν αποκλείεται να συνεχίσει την υπόθεση έως το δικαστήριο της Χάγης.
Εκ μέρους του Κινήματος Κατά της Βίας Γυναικών, η πρόεδρος Ζέλια Γρηγορίου δήλωσε πως «Θέλουμε να στηρίξουμε την κατηγορούμενη και να δείξουμε την αλληλεγγύη μας σε μια δίκη στην οποία η διάσταση του φύλου θεωρείται ανύπαρκτη», με το Κίνημα να ετοιμάζει νέα εκδήλωση διαμαρτυρίας έξω από το επαρχιακό δικαστήριο Αμμοχώστου την ημέρα ανακοίνωσης της ποινής (7/12), με παρούσες και γυναίκες από το Ισραήλ και τη Βρετανία οι οποίες στηρίζουν τη 19χρονη Βρετανίδα.
Σε μία άλλη εξέλιξη, η ανακοίνωση του δικαστηρίου για ενοχή της 19χρονης Βρετανίας, ξεσήκωσε κύμα αντιδράσεων εντός του Ηνωμένου Βασιλείου, με την Ύπατη Αρμοστεία της Βρετανίας να δηλώνει τη στήριξή της στην 19χρονη, μέσω ανάρτησης στο Twitter, ενώ στα hashtag ##BoycottCyprus και #Αvoidcyprus χρήστες επικρίνουν έντονα την Κύπρο και την κυπριακή δικαιοσύνη, αναφέρουν παρόμοια, περιστατικά που βίωσαν όταν βρέθηκαν για διακοπές στο νησί, ενώ παρακινούν τον κόσμο να μην επιλέγουν την Κύπρο για τις διακοπές τους και να ενισχύσουν άλλες οικονομίες.
Να σημειωθεί πως το 2018 οι τουρίστες από τη Βρετανία που επέλεξαν την Κύπρο για τις διακοπές τους ανήλθαν στο 1,327,805.
Are there any protests planned against the #ayianapa verdict in NYC, Boston, Berlin, or Tirana. Friends are asking. #cyprus #ibelieveher #BoycottCyprus #feminism
— Panayiota Bertzikis (@panayiotab) January 2, 2020
Looks like a rapists paradise. #BoycottCyprus #IBelieveHer
— Nancy Sproston (@NancyMacca) January 2, 2020
I will #BoycottCyprus and start to visit #Turkey it's cheaper and more safe.
— F K (@khatib_feras) January 2, 2020
The entire world should react to this abhorrent crime. A British girl was gangraped by 12 #Israeli guys in Cyprus and now she's being slut-shamed and made to look like a liar and a criminal because Cyprus wants to keep its economic ties to #Israel intact. #BoycottCyprus
— Ban Kulin (@BanKulin2) January 1, 2020
I would rather spend a weekend in a 1970s caravan, on the edge of a cliff, in the pissing down rain than go on holiday to Cyprus! #BoycottCyprus
— Preki92 (@sentinelefc77) January 1, 2020
And the Cyprus legal system failure is telling men, not just Cypriot but foreign men that it’s ok to rape women as they will walk Scott free #BoycottCyprus #IBelieveHer
— asma (@asma31529643) January 1, 2020
This is absolutely abhorrent. Did the Cypriot courts really think that strong women and men who want to oppose misogynistic systems in 2019 would turn a blind eye? They were WRONG. We ARE standing by her. #BoycottCyprus #IBelieveHer
— Siobhan Haley (@siobhan_blog) December 31, 2019
At the same time a young woman is raped in Cyprus by up to 12 Israeli men, reports it to the police, is questioned for 7 hours (not recorded) with no legal representation and then retracts her statement for fear to her life. #IBelieveHer #BoycottCyprus
— Lauren Robson (@lozzarobo) January 2, 2020
Cyprus welcomes young men to holiday there. It considers young women Fair Game and woe betide them if they complain about it. If the authorities think this will blow over, think again you filthy evil bastards. #BoycottCyprus
— Lynn Jackson (@Lynnjuk) January 2, 2020
Doesn’t matter how lovely some parts of your country are if your judiciary is Made up of rapist apologists. #BoycottCyprus #IBelieveHer
— Nancy Sproston (@NancyMacca) January 2, 2020
Really liked paphos on my last visit but #boycottcyprus it is not safe for women.
— sue donim (@buzzard1994) January 2, 2020
#BoycottCyprus has taken such big dimensions, that once again I am reassured that my disbelief in the legal system of my country has not been in vain. I apologise to all the foreigners who thought they might enjoy their time in Cyprus.
— Constantinos P (@cpouyiouk) January 2, 2020
#BoycottCyprus it’s repulsive that a young girl can be treated so badly in the western world
— Allan Hill (@allanhilluk) January 2, 2020
I’d rather eat my own arse thanks. #BoycottCyprus
— Jack 💙💛 (@KingWhiteRose) January 2, 2020
I've been to Protaras twice, bloody loved the place and the people but what's gone on there recently.... #BoycottCyprus
— Shaun Reynolds (@ShaunReyno) January 1, 2020
The Greek #Cypriot Authorities / Judge has messed up regarding the British Teenager held in #Cyprus.
— Memz (@Memz_D) January 1, 2020
How is it possible to allow the Alleged suspects to leave yet sentence the Alleged victim instead. It would seem pressure was applied to her to retract her story. #BoycottCyprus
Cyprus now trying to extracate itself for its brutal police and judges. No excuse. #BoycottCyprus
— Bridget (@bth77police) January 1, 2020
Well well well well well.
— Aylin ✨ (@AylinDodogan) January 1, 2020
Look what I have here Cyprus material rape law.
Αντί να πετύχουμε #BoycottTurkey,που έπρεπε να τρέχουμε εκστρατεία ,καταφέραμε με το ανόητο μυαλό μας ,να τρέχει τρέντυ #BoycottCyprus για την υπόθεση της νεαρής Βρεττανίδας
— Banania Republic (@bananiacy) January 1, 2020
Τι περιμέναμε?Δεν ήταν προβλέψιμο με τη δημοσιότητα και το ΜΕΓΑ έγκλημα της να έχει στήριξη του κόσμου?👎🏻
"Cyprus (Greek side) isn’t safe, it is absolutely not safe. And if you go and report something that’s happened to you, you’re either laughed at, as far as I can tell, or, in the worst case, something like what’s happened to my daughter may happen"#BoycottCyprus #UK @BBCWorld
— Faruk Özger (@evinakiye) January 1, 2020
I was looking to book a holiday in Cyprus for October but based on events around the justice meted out to the young British girl I’m happy to #BoycottCyprus. Any advice on Malta in October?
— BillyBob (@Makembill) January 1, 2020
#BoycottCyprus . I wonder what would have happened if an Israel girl had been gang raped by 12 Brits? Jewish money talks again.
— Charles Wallace (@ChasWallace) January 1, 2020
All future trips to Cyprus cancelled!!! #BoycottCyprus
— Cecilia Chavana-Bryant, PhD (@ChavanaBryant) January 1, 2020
#boycottcyprus it's disgusting how this lady has been treated. Raped by 12 men and continues to be traumatised by the authorities!
— NikNak (@NickyFawley) January 1, 2020
Says it all #BoycottCyprus
— Steven Challinor (@Chall1545) January 1, 2020
Not booked a summer holiday for 2020 yet but at least I know where i won't be going #BoycottCyprus
— Louise Matlock (@LoulouM2) January 1, 2020
Word to any and all female tourists - if you go to #Cyprus, there is now a very strong legal precedent that, if you get raped there, it will be your fault in the eyes of the law. Best avoided really. #BoycottCyprus
— Alex Bragg (@braggendasz) December 30, 2019
I think recommending that young women travellers #AvoidCyprus & #BoycottCyprus is word that should be spread.
— AM Scanlon (@amscanlon) December 30, 2019
I can't afford a holiday abroad so me #BoycottCyprus won't make a difference but I would urge everyone else to choose somewhere else this year. The authorities are clearly keen on protecting their tourist industry at all and any cost.
— OhBondageUpYours 🤐 (@JaneQuaife) January 1, 2020
#BoycottCyprus While we were not all to go on holiday to Cyprus & can now look elsewhere we can ALL boycott any product from Cyprus and not support their economy. How can their be any faith in their police force, legal system or even their attitude to women.
— Carl B (@valencia1305) January 1, 2020
— Trap 3 Tina (@TChaieb) January 1, 2020
I worked as a tour rep a few years ago, and in my opinion the police are corrupt. It's a well known fact that Israeli men, think they are above the law. It will be swept under the carpet, like everything else, don't get a Cypriot lawyer, seek a English one
Looks like Cyprus did about $200 million of exports to the UK in 2018. #BoycottCyprus should consider not buying products from Cyprus. Looks like the main impact can be made in groceries - honey, vegetable, fruits and nuts... what do people think?
— MAC (@maccymac87) January 1, 2020
#BoycottCyprus been over 30 times, disgusted by the events recently showing a corrupt legal system, not just in the case of this British tourist but also the police ignoring the missing women in the recent serial killer case. Wake up #Cyprus we can't and won't stand for it
— Red Psych (@red_foy) January 1, 2020